Domain Da Vinci
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
MARRIAGE. Of late, this one word is just creating a "stir, tornado, typhoon, twister" whatever you call as the most turbulent phenomenon in my head. Oddly enough, I have thought more about love in the last few months than I have in my entire life, and I'm more confused than ever. The reason behind this is my friends, one after another, are sending photographs of their engagement ceromonies. To the extreme, even some of them got married too. Frankly & honestly, I really never thought in my wildest imagination that these dudes would be standing like "Few Good Men" in those photographs with their soon to be life partners.

Anyways, I am petrified because there is a likely probability that in near future even my independence will be endangered. Right now, I am happy about the way I am living my life, I go to places where I feel like going to, I watch the movies & TV channels which I like to see, I keep my place the way I want to keep (This is difficult but still managable when you are sharing the room with a disciplined & (Beyond necessity) hygiene concious room mate.) I go back to home when I want to. I eat food which I like & when I want. I love the fact that I am not responsible for anyone except of course for a small family of mine, I like to make my own decisions. I love this independence and any kind of intrusion just freaks me out.

In a way, conciously or unconciously I have started to prepare myself for this inevitable Yin-Yang union because friends & most importantly my family think that I make a good matrimonial proposition (Or may be a Sacrifical Goat???) for the following reasons:-

1. 26-27 is the best age to get married and I am now 25.

2. Most people think that I have a stable career ahead even though personally I desire a lot to be conquered.

3. My financial status is sound.
In my preparation attempts under the effect of feelings such as confusion, fear, excitement! (Each of these feelings has their own valid reason for eg. fear of jeopardizing independence, excitement of honeymoon), just out of curiosity, I refered to Freudian psychoanalysis theory in an anticipation to learn about "What does a Woman want?" but eventually I learnt that even the legendary Sigmund Freud mentioned the following quote to one of his friend

"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?"

I know you folks might call me weird because, for preparation, most guys study "SCIENTIFICALLY" more about revered "Kamasutra". (I just thought I should mention the word "SCIENTIFICALLY" because before marriage, guys witness only the "raw action" through different mediums such as black market CDs, under the bed magazines & forbidden sites on internet, and few lucky ones get to experiment with the action.)

Anyways, there is also a deeper understanding that marriage is not a mathematics where you calculate what you will gain and what you will lose, but it's a need for human beings with a social nature; where two people share their lives by accepting & complemeting each other towards a harmonious co-existance. The most important criterion for me, is that the woman of my dreams is the one who will accept and love me the way I am, not for the way she wants me to.

"The most important criterion for me, is that the woman of my dreams is the one who will accept and love me the way I am, not for the way she wants me to."
-- If this is the most imp criterion for you, then you should also be ready to love the way your parter will be and not for the way you want her to be.. ;) B'coz she will also have the similar criteria. I think this is human nature. This is where the "adjustment" part of marriage comes into play. And if you both can balance this, your life will be heavnens, if not then ... (fill in the gaps)
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