Domain Da Vinci
Thursday, November 23, 2006
  My Inner World
Friends have often accused me of owning a very complicated mind and I have always chuckled it away with mild acceptance. Yet, I believe, I would be writing this page down on this thought provoking phenomenon called Life, which I have failed to understand but yearning to learn.
Even Socrates said that "the unexamined life is not worth living and it is from examining our lives that we can look at it afresh and get a new perspective on why we are really here"

The inner world is an entity - so complex and hard to comprehend. I have always felt that understanding the world in terms of creation and Darwinian evolution has never been a goal but a mere single step towards understanding oneself. It seems as though life is just a fusion of wonderful contradictions or paradoxes, all crusted with those specks of randomness and unpredictability. We all are running a race against time. A race of consumption. Who is consuming whom?

This is probably my definition of "Living life to the fullest"

What is the purpose of life? Who am I?
I have always stared bare faced at such daunting questions, which jitters my very existence. Yet, I felt I had to seek an answer. On a superficial level, I still believed, I existed. My physical body, family and all that paper-debris in forms of certificates, passports and visas has been a demonstrative testimony of my physical identity all which is present on a set of geographically transient coordinates in the confined imaginary intersecting planes of space and time on this planet which is a part of an nth solar system and an nth galaxy (Milky-Way) in some remote corner of this universe as its true nature and the reach of the ever expanding universe will be unknown, to be bound in a mathematical expression.

Probably it is this age - confusion, aggregation of emotions, interactions and hormone levels; all of these are the prime movers of unyielding thought processes, because every time I try to draw up conclusions to buy inner peace I realize that due to ongoing & impending learning process these conclusions are just temporary halts in a long journey of life. I am discontented with this theory of defining life as a time gap from birth to death. I am sure it is definitely more than that, perhaps a salvation to eternity beyond the boundaries of space and time.

I question the validity of superstitious customs and discrimination based on caste, religion, sects and denominations. God doesn't discriminate? Congregational prayers and devotional songs do not satisfy my zeal to realize God. I would rather believe in spiritual connectivity through self-discipline and meditation. I am not readily obedient but curious, I want to know - “what is it that by knowing which everything else is to be known." That is my penultimate search. It has always been in my nature to test before acceptance. Wholehearted acceptance doesn't come easily to me. I never want to abandon reasoning in the excuse of faith with belief with the exception of one in God - The source and the sink of everything.

I am not a fundamentalist with a conviction in single belief to the exclusion of others. I am an open-minded libertarian, all vulnerable to the feelings of contrasts apparently because of my present inability to see beyond the differences amongst ourselves and this difference lies in the basic principle of omnipresent & ALL IN ONE - God.

I am a member of the most amusing species of animals available on our green planet. I have spent hours and hours thinking about them only to see myself seeking solace in that peg of alcohol. God, Time, Space, Purpose of our (pseudo) existence and Love are aspects which still remain a mystery. I will continue to unravel this mystery. Until then I will live as quoted by Rudyard Kipling in “IF”:

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Lot of things u mentioned here have confused me even more, or might be thats the purpose of this article :) I have realized that if you start questioning the basics of life (our existence, the universe, god, etc), you are not going to go much shall again come back to "assumption" which you'll have make like today => Believe in god, have faith in your destiny - u'll find it one day or it'll find you...

I remember a dialogue from the movie "Fight Club"

"On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero"

so live the little bit of life that is left in u'r life without becoming a Philosopher !!
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